A self-paced online course that provides an overview of the corporate innovation management concepts, models, tools, and frameworks preparing learners to engage with innovation pursuits within their organisations and succeed.
Executives across industries and sectors consistently name innovation among their highest priorities as well as their greatest worries. Research suggests that 70% to 90% of innovations fail. Despite new organisation structures and methodologies, internal incubators and innovation labs, big data, and even artificial intelligence, there is no evidence those numbers are improving.
There are many reasons why corporate innovation projects fail:
This self-paced online course provides an overview of the corporate innovation concepts (definition, scope, typology), models, innovation culture, management techniques, tools and frameworks and prepares learners to engage with the innovation processes within their organisations and to develop a balanced portfolio of innovation projects. It also covers new product development processes that organisations employ to manage their innovation process and differentiates between tools for growth innovation projects addressing horizon-one, horizon-two and horizon-three. It discusses the "golden ratio" of resource allocation across the three horizons for ultimate results and stresses the need for companies to develop a balanced innovation portfolio.
Through the use of quizzes and case studies it allows learners to quickly embed knowledge and to be ready to apply it with confidence in their work environment.
To find out more about the course, please contact us