tamegon Innovation Advisory Firm

Growth Strategies

We develop innovation strategies to match your organisation's growth ambitions and internal capabilities and capacity.

The ability of high-growth firms to outperform others stems in large part from their greater level of success in their innovation efforts. Research suggests that innovative firms grow twice as fast, in employment and sales, compared to firms that fail to innovate. However, while every organisation recognises that innovation is critical to growth, less than 6% of senior executives are satisfied with the innovation outcomes.

Embedding innovation projects into the organisation's strategy development process starts with making a deliberate choice of focusing on the best possible way to win as well as justifying the reasons behind that choice.

There are mainly three ways that an organisation can innovate, namely product or service innovation, process innovation, and business model innovation.

Product or Service Innovation is one of the most common ways that business uses to innovate and grow. It may include incremental product improvement or the development of a completely new product.

Process Innovation may include new ways to produce or to deliver a product or service to customers or it may include new ways to interact with potential customers. It is all about improving processes with the view to increase the value that customer sees.  

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Business Model Innovation is one of the most transformative ways that a business may employ to exploit new market opportunities and add value to its customers and the organisation itself.

The type of innovation that an organisation may choose to pursue will depend on the business environment, opportunities presented, available technology and internal capability and capacity. A balanced portfolio approach to innovation is most advantageous, where projects across most innovation types are considered to create a sustainable business.

There are several levers that organisations may use to bring to life their growth ambitions:

Growth strategies - tamegon Innovation Advisory Firm

Market Penetration - increasing revenues from existing products or services that the company already operates in and thus increasing market share and securing growth. Growth strategies may include efforts to re-structure a mature market by driving out competition or attracting a larger population of customers through enhanced pricing and promotions.

Market Development - increasing revenues from existing products or services, entering new unexplored markets. These new opportunities could be new customer segments, international markets that could be profitably explored or new applications of existing products or services that will allow the organisation to satisfy the needs of new customers in new markets.

Product or Service Development - increasing revenues from the introduction of new products or services into existing markets. By putting efforts in continuous improvement, investing in R&D, and by succeeding in their innovation efforts companies can maintain competitiveness in their chosen markets.

Diversification - increasing revenues by introducing new products or services into new unexplored markets. Such strategies should be based on detailed evaluation of the market opportunity in addition to clearly understanding the needs of the customer the new product or service will serve.

We provide a range of advisory and technical services to assist our clients to develop and implement innovation strategies that match the ambitions of the organisation, its resources, and capabilities as well as market conditions in existing, new, and emerging markets. We mentor and coach staff at all levels and support organisations to design and embed appropriate ideas collection and validation processes, undergo market research and analysis, leading to a better understanding of their competitive environment and maximising the commercialisation potential.

Find out how our Diamond Innovation Framework™ can bring clarity to your organisation's innovation projects and pursuits here.

To review your organisation's innovation management processes and systems, identify any bottlenecks, and create actions to improve your innovation pursuits take our Innovation Audit here.

To find out how we can assist your organisation, contact us today.

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Interested in aligning your business and innovation strategies while investing in specific innovation types and categories to maximise Return On Investment?

We are here to help!

Contact us to discuss how our innovation tools and frameworks can allow you to gain useful insights unlocking your innovation projects potential.

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