Understand the environment - Before starting the DT implementation it pays dividends to understand and address any concerns and challenges that employees may face and take the time to reassure them. During DT implementation, it is important to maintain morale and motivation for employees to continue engaging with the project by communicating the goals for the organisation, praising employees for their engagement and support, and consistently addressing issues by asking employees about what aspect of the DT they find challenging.
Demonstrate the benefits - Setting out a clear vision, goals, and reasons for the DT implementation allows employees to appreciate the organisational needs and align them to their own goals and priorities.
Challenge the status quo - Identifying innovation and digital champions across the organisation that clearly understand and are motivated by the technology and the benefits of DT for the organisation allows effective dissemination of the message and support reducing resistance to change. By designing and communicating a phased approach to implementation with built-in feedback loops, as new technology is introduced, enables employees to raise concerns and reflect on learnings resulting in very much wanted engagement with the DT process.
Promote collaboration - Breaking down organisational silos and setting a clear plan for continuous training and learning it helps employees to adapt quickly to working with new technologies that are constantly updated. By encouraging employees across functions and departments to develop a Community of Practice (CoP) enbales sharing of experiences and enhances collaboration allowing the organisation to move forward. Holding regular workshops during which employees across departments consider how they used to perform a task without technology and how technology has made that task easier is a certain way to generate positive communications and gain support reducing fear of and resistance to change.
Remain flexible and agile - Promoting a growth mindset from the start through effective leadership and clear communication, encouraging innovation and experimentation and viewing possible failures as opportunities to learn and improve enables employees to keep engaged with the DT project enhancing probability for success.
Enable continuous innovation - Considering DT as a continuous transformational process where technologies evolve constantly resulting in new opportunities for internal efficiencies and better customer interactions allows employees to remain agile approaching change as the norm.